Interestingly, this is one of the things that has turned me totally off to there being a god. It is so obvious what aniamls have to do to survive, and this has been going on from the beginning. The idea of their being a creator that started all this is now disgusting to me, especially when he required the kiiling of animals and then enjoyed the odor of their burning flesh. And nowhere in the bible is there any allowance for animals to do anything but die.
Christian Vegetarian Association
Actually I found just the opposite to be true. It was never Gods intention for us to have to kill animals. Check out this site and you'll see what I mean. I LOVE animals and am a Christian Vegan x JW. I could never eat my friends. If enough of us would stop eating meat we can make a difference. The methods of slaughter are criminal, it is sickening.
Christian Vegetarian Association; "Jesus said that God feeds the birds of the air (Matt. 6:26) and does not forget sparrows (Luke 12:6). The Hebrew writings forbid inhumane slaughter or cruelty towards beasts of burden (Exod. 23:5; Deut. 22:6–7, 25:4). Yet, in the United States, virtually all food derived from animals is obtained through intensive factory farming methods. Nearly ten billion land animals are slaughtered each year, over a million every hour, and the number of aquatic animals killed for food is far greater. These animals suffer greatly from stressful crowding, barren environments that frustrate their instinctive drives, amputations without anesthesia (including debeaking, dehorning, tail docking, and castration), and other painful procedures (Bernard Rollin, Ph.D., Farm Animal Welfare).
Slaughter typically involves terror and, often, great pain (Gail Eisnitz, Slaughterhouse). Illustrating the industry’s callousness, animals too sick to walk are painfully dragged to slaughter rather than humanely euthanized. Typical of the industry’s attitude, John Byrnes wrote, “Forget the pig is an animal. Treat him just like a machine in a factory” (Hog Farm Management). "
I got my Christmas card today from Linda Blair who created the "Linda Blair World Heart Foundation" that works to stop animal abuse. She also is a vegan. Animals love, get jealous heck yeah! My rat terrier teases my mom's chihuahua mercilessly with his favorite toy. She smiles when he gets angry. ~Love, Kate of the apostate vegan animal lover class